One thing this season is for sure. Mother Nature is the boss... yes Momma's in charge. This season has been dreary, cold and wet. We've all been feeling it. As we approach summer solstice this week, I'm shocked to still be pulling my fleece tightly over me to maintain warm core body temperatures. I can only imagine the confusion the plants have been feeling these past few months. One silver lining - We haven't had the need to water just yet, it's been plenty wet! We are going into this year with more preparation than last year, but with much more on our peripheral plates as well. Brittany is expecting her third child and Erica has taken on a lot...
The height of summer is near and the Garden is the place to be. The beds are bursting with flowers, fruits and vegetables and our bees are busier than ever. Between harvesting and planting, tending and pruning, tasks at the Garden are endless. Good thing it's our happy place! To make use of the bounty of zucchini that has been prolific this season, we would love to share the most delicious and irresistable zucchini recipe. Your kids will be thanking you and requesting these on repeat. Gluten Free & Vegan Zucchini Muffin Recipe 2/3 cup Oat Milk 1 1/4 cup Ground Flax 1 1/4 cup Gluten Free Flour 2 cups Grated Zucchini 1/4 cup Olive Oil 6 tbsp Monk Fruit Sweetener (can...
SUMMER SOLSTICE SALUTATIONS and YOU-PICK June is finally here! And with it, the beloved (and long awaited) Summer Solstice. Summer Solstice is a day full of joy and growth, and globally celebrated by many. It is known to represent the first day of summer, signify the longest day of the year in our hemisphere, and celebrate the incredible power of the sun. So naturally, Summer Solstice warrants much love, praise and appreciation in the mind of gardeners and farmers. To celebrate the upcoming Summer Solstice at Nan’s, we will be planting several of our tender seedlings that we have been raising (some since before April). They are ready to sink their feet into the soil and get growing. ...
There is nothing quite like the bubbling excitement of the anticipation of the growing season. Even before the frosts have ended or the spring leaves begin to show signs of growth, excited gardeners being their seasonal tasks in preparation for the upcoming spring and summer. Whether it's garden design, seed shopping, seasonal pruning, harvesting over wintering crops, indoor starts or just constant day dreams - if you've been bit by the gardening bug, you share eager jitters and anticipation with many. As we journey into spring, some of the first flowers and vegetables that will grace our homes are welcomed sites, for sure. Overwintering brassicas are the sweetest, most delicious in the spring, after the harsh cold of the winter. Even if you...