One thing this season is for sure. Mother Nature is the boss... yes Momma's in charge. This season has been dreary, cold and wet. We've all been feeling it. As we approach summer solstice this week, I'm shocked to still be pulling my fleece tightly over me to maintain warm core body temperatures. I can only imagine the confusion the plants have been feeling these past few months.
One silver lining - We haven't had the need to water just yet, it's been plenty wet!
We are going into this year with more preparation than last year, but with much more on our peripheral plates as well. Brittany is expecting her third child and Erica has taken on a lot of work through the summer. We have planted out our sweet little garden with love and intention, and still hope to share it with you all as soon as the summer rolls around.
We hope to engage in more YOU-Pick and events with everyone. We will also be opening volunteer opportunities to work around the garden throughout the season. Our main focus is to inspire and share our love and passion for growing. There is a big and important conversation about food sustainability and growing practices that continues to get louder. We are listening when we can, and growing our arsenal of knowledge and intention to be better citizens of this world.
Join us for this wild ride. It will be an interesting and fulfilling journey.